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ɡǎn A. verb run after 跑步赶上队伍 run to catch up with the troops 你追我赶, 追赶 加快hurry 赶火车/汽车 try to catch the train/bus 赶任务 hurry through one’s work 赶时间 race against the clock 赶到现场/医院 rush to the scene/hospital 赶紧 驱走drive away 赶苍蝇/蚊子 shoo off flies/mosquitoes 把侵略者赶出去 chase the invaders away 赶跑, 赶走 drive 赶马车 drive a carriage 赶羊入栏 herd sheep into a sheepfold 前往参加go to 赶庙会 go to a temple fair 赶集, 赶考 碰上meet with 赶上下雨 run into rain 我到你们学校那天,正赶上你们放假。 It happened to be a holiday the day I arrived at your school. 赶巧B. preposition informal until 赶明我上街给你买一辆自行车。 I’ll go and buy a bike for you tomorrow. 赶他不在的时候你再来。 Come again when he is out.




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