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1 A. verb 起身rise 早起 get up early 黎明即起 rise at dawn 起床, 起来, 起立 上升move up 这球不起了。 There is no spring left in this ball. 起伏, 大起大落 长出break out 起鸡皮疙瘩 get goose pimples 小孩背上起痱子了。 Prickly heat broke out on the baby’s back. 发生start 起疑心 become suspicious 起作用 take effect 起风暴了。 A storm is coming. 起飞, 起火, 起跑 建立establish 平地起高楼 high buildings rise from previously empty ground 白手起家 拟写draw up 起草稿 prepare a draft 起名字 come up with a name 起草, 起稿 开始[used before a noun of time or place preceded by 从 or 由] begin 从今天起 starting from today 从现在起 from now on 从二号算起 start from No 2 从头做起 start from the very beginning 起讫, 起止 拔出extract 起钉子 pull out a nail 起瓶塞 remove the cork from a bottle 起子 领取draw 起护照 get one’s passport 发动initiate 起兵, 起事, 起义B. measure word case 一起谋杀 a murder case 防止了一起事故 forestall an accident 批次batch 他们分六起往地里送肥料。 Six groups of men delivered fertilizer to the fields.




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