

2 verb 表向上[used after a verb] move sth upwards 他提起箱子走出门。 He lifted up the case and went out. 表开始[used after a verb or action] begin to 会场响起热烈的掌声。 A warm applause broke out at the meeting. 乐队奏起迎宾曲。 The orchestra struck up a welcoming tune. 表足够[used after a verb preceded by 得 or 不] be up to a certain standard 经得起考验 can stand the test 太贵了,买不起。 It’s too expensive; I can’t afford it. 看不起, 看得起 表涉及[used after a verb to indicate the result of an action]她多次问起你。 She asked about you many times. 我现在记起来了。 Now I remember.




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