

词汇 commitment
commitment | BrE kəˈmɪtm(ə)nt, AmE kəˈmɪtmənt | noun countable (undertaking, obligation) 承诺 chéngnuò a commitment to sth/to doing sth or to do sth; 对某事物/做某事的承诺 to take on a commitment to sb; 对某人作出承诺 to give a firm commitment that … 坚决保证… absent due to family commitments 由于家庭事务而缺席的 uncountable and countable (sense of duty) 责任感 zérèngǎn a sense of commitment (to sth) (对某事物的)责任感 to have a strong commitment to doing sth/to sth 有做某事/对某事物的强烈责任感 uncountable and countable (allocation of money, time, resources) 花费 huāfèi a financial commitment 资金投入




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