

词汇 admit
admit | BrE ədˈmɪt, AmE ədˈmɪt | present participle admitting past tense, past participle admitted A. transitive verb (accept, concede) 承认 chéngrèn it is generally admitted that … 普遍认为… to admit defeat 认输 (confess) 供认 gòngrèn (allow to enter) «person, ticket» 准许…进入 zhǔnxǔ… jìnrù to be admitted to hospital 被收治入院 (allow to become a member) 允许…加入 yǔnxǔ… jiārù to be admitted to the university 被大学录取 B. intransitive verb 容许 róngxǔ to admit of sth; 容许某事 the situation admits of no delay 这种情况刻不容缓




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