

词汇 活动
活动 huódònɡ A. verb 运动exercise 活动一下筋骨 limber up 站起来活动活动 stand up and stretch oneself a bit 松动be unsteady 这把椅子活动了。 The chair is rickety. 这颗牙活动了。 This tooth is loose. 打通关节wangle 替某人活动 put in a word for sb 为求晋升而四处活动 jockey for promotion 他在为给儿子安排工作而活动。 He is trying to use his influence to get a job for his son. B. adjective flexible 活动铅笔 mechanical pencil 经理的口气有点活动了。 The manager began to relent a little. C. noun activity 非法活动 illegal activities 户外活动 outdoor activities




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