

词汇 commune
commune A. noun | BrE ˈkɒmjuːn, AmE ˈkɑmjun | (group of people) 群体 qúntǐ a women's/hippy commune 女性/嬉皮士群体 (communal settlement in a communist country) 公社 gōngshè a Soviet commune 苏维埃公社 Administration (in France, Italy, Belgium, Spain) (territory) 市镇 shìzhèn ; (people) 全镇居民 quán zhèn jūmín the mayor and commune 镇长与全镇居民 B. intransitive verb | BrE kəˈmjuːn, AmE kəˈmjun | to commune with sb/sth (share thoughts with) «person, soul» 与…默默沟通 yǔ… mòmò gōutōng person, soul, God to commune with sth (feel close to) 与…融为一体 yǔ… róng wéi yītǐ nature, natural features




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