

词汇 communicate
communicate | BrE kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt, AmE kəˈmjunəˌkeɪt | A. transitive verb (convey) «person» 传达 chuándá news, order; «work of art, gesture, expression» 表达 biǎodá idea, emotion Medicine (transmit) 传染 chuánrǎn disease, virusB. to communicate itself reflexive verb «feeling» 显露 xiǎnlù her anxiety communicates itself to others 她表现得焦虑不安 C. intransitive verb (share information) 交流 jiāoliú to communicate with sb; 与某人交流 to communicate by phone/radio 用电话/无线电交流 to communicate through dance/by gestures 通过舞蹈/手势交流 (express oneself) 表达想法 biǎodá xiǎngfǎ to communicate well/badly 表达力强/差 (connect) 相连 xiānglián to communicate with sth; 与…相通 room, apartment




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