

zhě auxiliary 指性质或动作的主体[used as a suffix after a verb or adjective, or a verbal or adjective phrase to indicate the doer of sth]强者 the strong 弱者 the weak 合格者 the qualified 编者, 消费者, 始作俑者 指工作或信仰的主体[used after a noun phrase to indicate a person doing the stated work or following the stated doctrine]教育工作者 educator 医务工作者 medical worker 指上文所说事物[used after 二,三 or 数, etc. to refer back to sth said earlier]二者必居其一。 It must be either of the two. 两者缺一不可。 Neither is dispensable. 后者, 前者 literary 表停顿[used after a word, phrase, or clause to mark a pause, as in giving definitions]风者,空气流动而成。 Wind is air in motion.




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