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词汇 起来
起来 qilai verb 表向上[used after a verb to indicate an upward movement]拣起来 pick up 坐起来 sit up 中国人民站起来了。 The Chinese people have arisen. 表开始并持续[used after a verb or an adjective to indicate the beginning and continuation of an action]天气渐渐暖和起来。 It’s getting warm. 一句话把屋里的人都逗得笑了起来。 The remark set everyone in the room roaring with laughter. 雨下起来了。 It has started raining. 表完成[used after a verb to indicate completeness or effectiveness]把钱存起来 save up money 他的名字我记不起来了。 I can’t recall his name. 想起来了,这是鲁迅的话。 I remember now! It’s a quotation from Lu Xun. 表估计[used after a verb to indicate an impression or judgement]看起来要下雨。 It looks like rain. 听起来这是件好事。 It sounds like this is a good thing.




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