

chē A. noun 交通工具vehicle 驾车 drive a car 派车接人 send a car for sb 机动车 motor vehicle 旅游车 sightseeing bus 首班/末班车 first/last bus 车祸, 车辆, 乘车 带轮装置wheeled instrument 滑车 pulley 车床, 纺车 机器machine 车间, 试车B. verb 指汲水lift water using a waterwheel 车水 lift water by waterwheel 指用车床shape on a lathe 车机器零件 shape a machine part on a lathe dialect 侧转turn 车过头来 turn one’s head 他迅速车过身去。 He turned around quickly. dialect 用车拉carry in a cart 把垃圾车走 cart away the rubbish dialect 指用缝纫机make clothes with a sewing machine 车衣服 make clothes with a sewing machine




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