

1 ɡài A. noun 指器物lid 茶壶盖teapot lid 瓶盖bottle top 盖碗, 锅盖 literary umbrella 华盖 指动物甲壳shell 乌龟盖 tortoise shell 指人的骨骼cover-shaped part of human skeleton 头盖骨 skull 膝盖骨 knee cap B. verb cover 盖被子睡觉 sleep under a quilt 盖上盖子 put the lid on 箱子没盖好。 The box is not closed properly. 打上stamp 盖钢印 affix a steel seal (to) 在信封上盖邮戳 postmark a letter 盖章 遮掩cover (up) 想把丑闻盖住 try to cover up a scandal 欲盖弥彰, 掩盖 压过drown out 外面的嘈杂声盖过了老师的讲课声。 The noise from outside drowned out the teacher’s voice. 建造construct 盖房子 build a house 平整土地level land




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