

词汇 comparison
comparison | BrE kəmˈparɪs(ə)n, AmE kəmˈpɛrəsən | noun uncountable (comparing) 比较 bǐjiào the two cities invite comparison 这两个城市很类似 here's a bigger size for comparison 这里有大点的尺码供比较 to bear or stand comparison with sb/sth; 比得上某人/某事物 Cherubini cannot stand comparison with Mozart 凯鲁比尼比不上莫扎特 by or in comparison with …; 与…相比较 I'm small/tall by or in comparison with my father 我比父亲个头小/个子高 countable (act of comparing) 对比 duìbǐ a comparison of the rail systems in England and Germany 英格兰和德国铁路系统的比较 to make a comparison of sth with sth; 将某事物与某事物进行对比 to draw a comparison between … and …; 在…与…之间相比较 comparisons are odious 无谓的攀比令人厌恶 uncountable (equivalence) 类似 lèisì there is or can be no comparison 那没法比 beyond comparison 无与伦比 countable (analogy) 类比 lèibǐ he had a taste for elaborate comparisons 他事事喜欢打比方 uncountable Linguistics 比较 bǐjiào




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