

shuō A. verb 表达speak 说实话 tell the truth 说英语 speak English 开玩笑地说 speak in jest 总的说来 generally speaking 说得太多,做得不够。 There’s too much talk and not enough action. 我不知道该怎么说。 I don’t know how to put it. 说谎 解释explain 把话说清楚 make it clear 批评criticize 挨说了 be scolded 他又迟到了,你得说说他。 He was late again. It’s time you had a word with him. 劝说persuade 说媒, 说情 refer to 你们在说谁? Who are you talking about? 你是在说我吗? Do you mean me? 表演perform 说相声 perform a comic dialogue B. noun theory 邪说, 学说 shuì , yuè




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