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pài A. noun 流派school of thought ; 派别faction 乐观派 optimists 反对派 the opposition 两派意见不合。 The two factions hold differing views. 党派, 流派 作风style 派头, 气派, 正派 literary 支流tributary 长江九派 nine tributaries of the Yangtze River 指糕点pie 巧克力派 chocolate pie 苹果/草莓派 apple/strawberry pie B. measure word 用于景象、言语等[used with the numeral to describe a scene, an atmosphere, a speech, a sound, etc.]一派胡言 sheer nonsense 好一派北国风光。 What beautiful northern scenery! 用于派别[used for political group, school of thought, art, etc.]各派政治力量 different political groups C. verb 分配send 派工作 set sb a task 派人送去。 Send someone to deliver it. 分派 安排apportion 派款 impose levies 指责censure 别派她的不是。 Don’t put the blame on her. 编派




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