

qiǎn adjective 指深度shallow 浅水 shallow water 浅湖 shallow lake 屋子的进深浅。 The room is not deep. 浅滩 指经历、能力superficial 功夫浅 have superficial mastery of a skill 阅历浅 know little of the world 浅薄, 浮浅 指难度simple 这些读物内容浅,容易懂。 These reading materials are simple in content and easy to understand. 浅显, 深入浅出 指颜色light 浅红 light red 浅蓝 pale blue 浅色 light colour 指时间short 相处的日子还浅 have not been together long 资历很浅 be new in a business 指关系not intimate 交情浅 not on familiar terms 指程度slight 她睡觉很浅。 She is a light sleeper. 浅尝辄止 jiān




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