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hái adverb 仍然still 现在两点了,他还没有来。 It’s two o’clock now and he hasn’t come yet. 夜深了,他还在工作。 It was late at night and he was still working. 尚且even 你还不知道,更不用说一个外国人。 If you don’t even know then a foreigner certainly won’t. 你还害怕,何况一个小孩呢? If you’re scared then what hope for a small child? also 我们不但学英语,还学日语。 We study Japanese as well as English. 更加even more 今天比昨天还冷。 It’s even colder today than yesterday. 今年的产量比去年还要高。 This year’s output is even higher than last year’s. 勉强过得去fairly 教室不大,但还明亮。 The classroom is not big, but it is fairly bright. 表强调[used for emphasis or to show sarcasm]这还了得! This is the limit! 这些还算他们的好作文呢。 These are supposed to be their best compositions. 表赞叹[used to express unexpectedness]他还真有办法。 He is really resourceful. 早在as early as 还在初中时,她就通过了大学英语六级考试。 She passed Band 6 of the College English Test when she was only a junior high school student. huán




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