

词汇 cost
cost | BrE kɒst, AmE kɔst | A. transitive verb past tense, past participle cost (be priced at) 价钱为 jiàqian wéi amountto cost sb sth; 花费某人某数量的费用 to cost sth to do sth; 花费某数量的费用做某事 the necklace will cost £50 to repair 修这条项链要花50英镑 it cost me £32 to get my hair cut 我理发花了32英镑 to cost money (not free) 要花钱 (expensive) 价钱不菲 it'll cost you informal 这东西贵得很 to cost an arm and a leg informal 要花一大笔钱 pretty A (cause loss of) 使失去 shǐ shīqù life, job, love; 使输掉 shǐ shūdiào match, election; 花费 huāfèi time, effortto cost sb sth; 使某人失去某物 politeness costs nothing 礼貌待人不会错 whatever it costs 无论付出多大代价 reckless driving could cost you your life 鲁莽驾驶会要了你的命 this mistake cost him his career 这个错误毁了他的事业 to cost (sb) sth to do sth; (使某人)付出某代价做某事 past tense, past participle costed Business, Finance 估算…的成本 gūsuàn… de chéngběn productthe project was costed at £100,000 这项工程的估算成本是10万英镑 B. noun uncountable and countable (price) 价钱 jiàqian to estimate the cost at £30 估价为30英镑 the high cost of property 高昂的房价 (expense) 费用 fèiyong ; figurative 代价 dàijià the cost of sth/doing sth; literal 某事物/做某事的花费 figurative 某事物/做某事的代价 mǒu shìwù/ zuò mǒu shì de dàijià the cost of repairs/insurance 维修费/保险费 at great cost to his parents 由他的父母承担高昂的费用 (to do sth) at one's own cost 自己出钱(做某事) (to do sth) at no extra cost 免除额外费用地(做某事) to count the cost of sth/doing sth literal 考虑某事/做某事的费用 (suffer consequences) 尝到某事/做某事的苦头 chángdào mǒu shì/zuò mǒu shì de kǔtou (assess advisability) 考虑某事/做某事的风险 kǎolǜ mǒu shì/zuò mǒu shì de fēngxiǎn to know sth/find sth out to one's cost 吃了苦头之后才知道/发现某情况 he's a ruthless businessman, as I know to my cost 我吃了苦头后才知道他是个无情的商人 the cost in sth; 在某方面的代价 the cost in human lives was great 付出的生命代价巨大 at great/little cost (to sb/sth) 以(对某人/某事物)极大/微不足道的代价 at all costs 不惜一切代价地 at any cost 无论如何 Business, Finance 成本 chéngběn at cost 按成本价 to sell sth at cost 以成本价销售某产品 cost analysis/control 成本分析/控制 C. costs plural noun Law (legal) costs 诉讼费用 sùsòngfèi yòng Business, Finance 成本 chéngběn to cut costs 削减成本 to cover one's costs 保本




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