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pán A. noun 盘子plate 瓷/木/塑料盘 china/wooden/plastic dishes 茶盘, 托盘 盘状物sth in the shape of a plate 磨盘, 棋盘 指行情market price 开盘, 收盘 领地domain 地盘B. measure word 用于回旋地绕的东西reel 两盘电影拷贝 two reels of film 一盘蚊香 a mosquito coil 用于盘状物[used for dishes, millstones, etc.]两盘磁带 two spools of tape 一盘石磨 a pair of millstones Sport game 下盘棋 play a game of chess 以8比6赢了第三盘 win the third set 8-6 C. verb twist 盘头发 coil up one’s hair 把发辫盘在头上 twist braids of hair on top of the head 盘腿, 盘绕, 盘山 build 盘炕/灶 build a kang /cooking stove 盘点check 一年应盘一次账。 The accounts should be checked annually. 盘点, 盘问 转让transfer the ownership of 把铺子盘给人家 transfer the ownership of the store to another person 他把店盘给了我。 He has transferred the shop to me. 运送transport 由仓库向外盘货 carry things out of the warehouse




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