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zhí A. adjective 成直线straight 把绳子拉直 straighten out a rope 马路又平又直。 The highway is level and straight. 笔直 垂直vertical 直上直下 straight up and down 屋子很大,直里有八米,横里有六米。 The room is big, being 8 metres in length and 6 metres in width. 直升机 公正just 正直, 理直气壮 直截straightforward 直呼其名 call sb by their name 直言不讳 say readily 心直口快B. verb straighten 累得直不起腰来 too tired to straighten oneself up C. noun [in Chinese characters] vertical stroke D. adverb 直接directly 直奔火车站 head straight for the railway station 直飞/达纽约 fly/run non-stop to New York 一直continuously 他冲着我直笑。 He kept smiling at me. 我冻得直哆嗦。 I kept shivering with cold. 简直simply 我胳膊痛得直像针扎一样难受。 My arms hurt so much that they feel like they have been stabbed with needles.




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