

词汇 balance
balance | BrE ˈbal(ə)ns, AmE ˈbæləns | A. noun uncountable (of body) 平衡 pínghéng to lose/keep one's balance 失去/保持平衡 to throw sb off balance literal 使某人失去平衡 figurative 使某人不知所措 shǐ mǒu rén bù zhī suǒ cuò uncountable and countable (between different elements) 均衡 jūnhéng political balance 政治上的均势 the right balance of sweetness and spiciness 甜与辣的恰当搭配 to achieve/keep a balance (between sth and sth) (在两事物之间)取得/保持平衡 to strike a balance (between sth and sth) (在两事物之间)找到折中办法 uncountable (mental stability) 镇定 zhèndìng uncountable (of sound) 协调 xiétiáo countable (scales) 天平 tiānpíng the balance may still swing in our favour figurative 胜利的天平可能还会朝我们这边倾斜 to be or hang in the balance 悬而未决 on balance 总的说来 countable (in clock, watch) 平衡轮 pínghénglún uncountable (preponderance) 大部分 dàbùfen the balance of opinion was … 多数人认为… countable Finance, Business (in account) 余额 yú'é balance brought forward 余额承前 balance carried forward 余额结转下期 balance in hand 现有余额 countable Finance, Business (money still owed) 结欠款 jié qiànkuǎn ; (money still remaining) 余款 yúkuǎn countable (remaining amount or part) 剩余部分 shèngyú bùfen the balance of sb's annual leave 某人未休的年假 B. transitive verb (perch) 使保持平衡 shǐ bǎochí pínghéng he balanced the bottle on top of the heap of stones 他把瓶子在石堆顶上放稳 (weigh same as) 和…重量相等 hé… zhòngliàng xiāngděng (create symmetry with) 与…对称 yǔ… duìchèn you need something to balance the vase on that side 你得找样东西来照应那边的花瓶 (also balance out) (compensate for) 和…相抵 hé… xiāngdǐ his lack of experience was balanced by his willingness to learn 他的好学弥补了经验的不足 (adjust) 使…均衡 shǐ… jūnhéng composition, diet, timetableto balance work and family life 兼顾工作与家庭 (weigh up, compare) 权衡 quánhéng plans, suggestions, solutionsto balance sth against sth; 比较两事物 Finance, Business 使…收支平衡 shǐ… shōuzhī pínghéng expenses, budget, economyto balance the books 结平账目 Motor Vehicles 使…平衡 shǐ… pínghéng wheels Mathematics 使…平衡 shǐ… pínghéng equationC. intransitive verb (be perched) 保持平衡 bǎochí pínghéng to balance on sth; 在某物上保持平衡 to balance on one leg 单腿站立 (weigh the same) 重量相等 zhòngliàng xiāngděng the scales balance 天平两边的秤盘平衡 (also balance out) (be compensated for) 相抵消 xiāng dǐxiāo the advantages and disadvantages balance out 利弊相抵 lìbì xiāngdǐ Finance «accounts, figures, budget» 收支平衡 shōuzhī pínghéng to make sth balance, to get sth to balance 使…收支平衡 shǐ… shōuzhī pínghéng Mathematics «equation, sides» 平衡 pínghéng




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