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xínɡ A. verb go 缓步而行 walk at a leisurely pace 日行百里 travel a hundred li a day 行走, 寸步难行, 游行 旅行travel 西安之行 trip to Xi’an 不虚此行, 旅行 流通be current 行销全国 be on sale all over the country 行时, 流行 do 行礼, 行医 可以be all right 你今天晚上来,行吗? Is it all right for you to come tonight? 签上你的名字就行了。 All you have to do is to sign your name. 进行[used before a disyllabic verb, indicating the performance of certain action]另行通知 issue a separate notice B. adjective 与旅行相关travelling 行程, 行装 临时性temporary 行宫, 行营 能干competent 我的英语口语不行。 My oral English is poor. 小王,你真行! Xiao Wang, you are really terrific! C. noun behaviour 暴行, 品行, 言行D. adverb literary soon 行将就木 hánɡ , hànɡ , hénɡ




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