

jīnɡ A. noun Textiles warp 经纱, 经线 法则unchanged law 天经地义 经文scripture 取经 go on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures 经典, 佛经, 四书五经 月经menstruation 经期, 调经, 痛经 Traditional Chinese Medicine channels 经络, 经脉 Geography longitude 经度, 东经B. adjective constant 经常, 不经之谈, 荒诞不经C. verb 管理manage 经理, 经商, 经营 经过pass through 经互联网发送 send via the Internet 经检查,该产品合格。 The inspection proved that the product was qualified. 经你一解释,我就全明白了。 With the help of your explanation, I understood it completely. 经历, 经手, 饱经风霜, 身经百战 承受bear 那种布不经穿。 That kind of material doesn’t stand much wear. 这种布经洗。 This cloth can take washing. jìnɡ




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