

xiànɡ A. verb 察看appraise by scrutinizing closely 相马 look a horse over to judge its worth 人不可貌相。 Never judge a person by his appearance. 相面 literary 辅助assist 相夫教子 help one’s husband and bring up one’s children 吉人天相B. noun 容貌looks 一副狼狈相 a sorry figure 长得老相 look old for one’s age 扮相, 福相, 长相 外观exterior 星相, 月相 姿态carriage 睡相不好 sleep sprawled all over the bed 站有站相,坐有坐相 have a graceful carriage Physics phase 三相电动机 three-phase motor Geography facies 海相 marine facies 煤相 coal facies 宰相prime minister 丞相, 宰相 中央级官员minister 首相, 外相 dated 帮助主人接待宾客的人attendant 傧相 指棋子minister 图像image 照相 take a picture xiānɡ




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