

词汇 counter
counter2 | BrE ˈkaʊntə, AmE ˈkaʊn(t)ər | A. counter to adverb phrase 逆向地 nìxiàng de to run counter to sth 与某事物相违背 he acted counter to our wishes 他违背我们的意愿行事 B. transitive verb 反驳 fǎnbó criticism, claim, accusation; 反击 fǎnjī enemy, terrorismC. intransitive verb (answer back) 反驳 fǎnbó they countered with a different proposal 他们以一个不同的提议来反驳 (fight back) 反击 fǎnjī the police countered with tear gas 警方以催泪瓦斯反击 (in boxing, fencing, etc.) 还击 huánjī




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