

biān A. noun 边缘edge 街道两边 both sides of the street 海边 seaside 湖边 edge of a lake 附近side 旁边, 身边, 手边 方面side 双/多边会谈 bilateral/multilateral talks 这件事上,我站在你一边。 I am with you on this issue. 一边倒 边境border 边防, 戍边 指装饰border 金边 gold border 花边 指线段side 三角形有三条边。 A triangle has three sides. 四边形 边界limit 一眼望不到边的大草原 a prairie so broad that the eye cannot take it all in 这话可太没边了。 That’s a tall tale if ever I heard one. 边际B. adverb simultaneously 边喝茶边聊天 have a chat over tea 边乘车边看书会伤眼睛的。 It’s bad for your eyes to read in a moving vehicle. bian




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