

词汇 bubble
bubble | BrE ˈbʌb(ə)l, AmE ˈbəb(ə)l | A. noun (in air, liquid, paintwork) 气泡 qìpào to blow bubbles 吹泡泡 she was up to her elbows in bubbles 她忙着洗餐具 the bubble has burst figurative 成为泡影 Business, Finance (inflated price) 泡沫 pàomò the house price bubble 房价泡沫 (sound of bubbling) 汩汩声 gǔgǔ shēng Medicine (germ-free chamber) 无菌室 wújūnshì B. intransitive verb (form bubbles) «liquid» 起泡 qǐpào to bubble beneath the surface figurative 潜涌 (be lively, happy) 生气勃勃 shēngqì bóbó to bubble with 充满着 confidence, enthusiasm, ideas (make bubbling sound) 发汩汩声 fā gǔgǔ shēng PHRASAL VERBS bubble over intransitive verb (be full of) 洋溢 yángyì she was bubbling over with suggestions 她滔滔不绝地提建议 (overflow) «liquid, stew» 沸溢 fèi yì bubble up intransitive verb «liquid, gas» 冒泡 màopào




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