

tòu A. verb 通过penetrate 透过现象看本质 see through appearances to get to the essence 玻璃能透光。 Glass is pervious to light. 泄露reveal 透个信disclose a piece of information 有关会谈情况能透点消息吗? Can you let us know if there was anything that came out of the meeting? 露出show 脸色白里透红 rosy-white complexion 他身上透着一股英雄气概。 He looks like he has a heroic spirit. B. adjective 透彻clear 把道理讲透 explain one’s reasons clearly 谁也猜不透她的心事。 Nobody is able to work out what’s on her mind. 我把他的脾气摸透了。 I know his moods inside out. 极度complete 糟透了 be extremely bad 他浑身湿透了。 He was wet through. 庄稼熟透了。 The crops are quite ripe.




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