

词汇 bug
bug | BrE bʌɡ, AmE bəɡ | A. noun informal (any insect) 虫子 chóngzi rug 1 (bedbug) 臭虫 chòuchóng informal (illness) 小病 xiǎobìng informal (germ) 病菌 bìngjūn (fault) (general) 故障 gùzhàng ; Computing 程序错误 chéngxù cuòwù (hidden microphone) 窃听器 qiètīngqì informal (craze) 着迷 zháomí to be bitten by the golf bug 对高尔夫球运动着迷 US informal (enthusiast) 爱好者 àihàozhě a jogging bug 慢跑迷 B. transitive verb present participle bugging past tense, past participle bugged (hide microphones in) 在…里装窃听器 zài… li zhuāng qiètīngqì room, telephone; (record) 窃听 qiètīng conversation, person informal (annoy) 烦扰 fánrǎo personPHRASAL VERBS bug off intransitive verb US informal 滚开 gǔnkāi bug out intransitive verb US informal 突出 tūchū




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