

词汇 bulldoze
bulldoze | BrE ˈbʊldəʊz, AmE ˈbʊlˌdoʊz | transitive verb (knock down) 推倒 tuīdǎo building, wall, village; (clear, move) 铲平 chǎnpíng area, rubblethe village was bulldozed to the ground 村庄被推土机夷为平地 figurative (force) 强行通过 qiángxíng tōngguò to bulldoze one's way into/through sth; «person» 强行进入/穿过某处 figurative informal (forcibly persuade) 胁迫 xiépò to bulldoze sb into doing sth; 胁迫某人做某事 figurative informal (push through) 强行使…被接受 qiángxíng shǐ… bèi jiēshòu idea, planthe government is trying to bulldoze the bill through parliament 政府正试图强行让国会通过这个法案 figurative informal (push away) 推开 tuīkāi to bulldoze sb/sth away/aside/out; 猛地把某人/某物推开/推到一边/推出去




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