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pǎo verb 快速行进run 跑得快 run fast 跑三圈run three laps around the track 跑完全程 finish the whole distance 跑步, 赛跑 run away 别让兔子跑了。 Don’t let the rabbit run away. 他趁着夜色跑了。 He fled by night. 逃跑 dialect 去往go to 跑遍全国 travel all over the country 一天跑了几个地方 have been to several places within the space of one day 我跑了几条街道才找到这个商店。 I walked about several blocks before I found that shop. 为某事奔走run errands 跑材料 rush about collecting data 他现在给一家小报跑新闻。 He is running around snooping out stories for a tabloid. 跑单帮, 跑买卖 泄漏、移位leak 跑电/气/油 electricity/gas/oil leakage 信纸叫风刮跑了。 The writing paper was blown away by the wind. 挥发evaporate, give off 瓶子没盖严,汽油都跑了。 The bottle was not tightly sealed so the gas all escaped. páo




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