

bān A. noun 班级class ; 班组group 英语班 English class 07级毕业班 class of 2007 一年级有六个班。 There are six classes in Grade One. 补习班 轮班shift 三班倒 work in three shifts 值夜班 work the night shift 白班, 换班, 上班 指军队squad 一个排由三个班组成。 Three squads make up a platoon. dated 戏班子troupe of performers 搭班 set up a troupe B. adjective regular 班车, 班机, 班轮C. measure word 指人[used to denote a group of people]这班年轻人干劲十足。 These young people work with great enthusiasm. 指交通工具[used for scheduled forms of transportation]乘下一班飞机 take the next plane D. verb literary withdraw




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