

词汇 child
child | BrE tʃʌɪld, AmE tʃaɪld | noun plural children (non-adult) 儿童 értóng, 小孩 xiǎohái when I was a child 我小时候 a child of six 6岁的小孩 a child star/prodigy 童星/神童 to be child's play 是轻而易举的事 spare the rod and spoil the child proverb 孩子不打不成器 the child is father to the man proverb 三岁看到老 to be with child archaic 怀孕 子女 zǐnǚ [可指儿子或女儿]her mother's child 有其母必有其女 (immature person) 孩子气的人 háiziqì de rén don't be such a child! 别孩子气啦! (inexperienced person) 幼稚的人 yòuzhì de rén figurative (product) 产物 chǎnwù a child of the 60s/of nature 60年代的人/大自然之子 children (descendants) 后代 hòudài




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