

词汇 Chinese
Chinese | BrE tʃʌɪˈniːz, AmE ˌtʃaɪˈniz | A. adjective (of China) 中国的 Zhōngguó de Chinese art/culture/history 中国艺术/文化/历史 a Chinese meal 中餐 zhōngcān the Chinese language 中文 (of the people) 中国人的 Zhōngguórén de (of the language) 中文的 Zhōngwén de B. noun countable (native of China) 中国人 Zhōngguórén ; (of Chinese origin) 华裔 huáyì an American Chinese 美籍华人 an overseas Chinese 华侨 the Chinese plural 中国人民 uncountable (language) 汉语 Hànyǔ to speak Chinese 说中文 in Chinese 用中文 to translate into Chinese 译成中文 countable British informal (meal) 中餐 zhōngcān fancy going out for a Chinese? 想出去吃顿中餐吗?




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