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bèi A. noun 背部back 背靠着墙 lean one’s back against the wall 腰酸背痛 have backache 背脊, 汗流浃背, 马背 反面back of an object 手背 back of the hand B. verb 背对着back on to 背山面水 backing on to a mountain and facing a river 违反act contrary to 背着良心做事 act against one’s conscience 背信弃义 离开leave 背井离乡 瞒着do sth behind sb’s back 背着妻子买了一栋别墅 buy a villa behind one’s wife’s back 说话不背人 speak without noticing who’s listening 背诵recite 背书/台词 learn the text/one’s lines by heart 指手或手臂have one’s hands crossed or tied behind 背着手来回踱步 walk back and forth with one’s hands clasped behind one 掉转turn away 她厌恶地背过脸去。 She turned on her heel in disgust. C. adjective informal 不走运unlucky 今天打麻将,我手气很背。 I’m not having much luck at mah-jong today. 听觉不灵hard of hearing 他耳朵很背。 He is very hard of hearing. 偏僻out-of-the-way 那条街很背。 That is a very out-of-the-way street. bēi




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