

词汇 讨厌
讨厌 tǎoyàn A. adjective 令人厌烦nasty 讨厌的气味/味道 repulsive smell/taste 多讨厌的家伙! What a nasty man! 让人心烦troublesome 这事有点讨厌,恐怕不好办。 This is a bit of a tricky issue, and I’m afraid it might be difficult to resolve. 这种病比较讨厌,很难根治。 This kind of illness is quite awkward and is very difficult to cure. B. verb hate 真讨厌这种潮湿的天气。 I’m completely sick of this wet weather. 吸烟让我特别讨厌。 Smoking is one of my pet hates. 我一见他就十分讨厌。 The sight of him is completely repulsive to me.




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