

词汇 class
class | BrE klɑːs, AmE klæs | A. noun countable (category) 类别 lèibié ; (grade) 等级 děngjí to be in a class of one's own 出类拔萃 to be in a different class from … 和…不属于同一类 he's not in the same class as the other players 他比其他运动员逊色多了 countable and uncountable Sociology (group) 阶级 jiējí ; (system) 等级制度 děngjí zhìdù the upper/middle/working class(es) 上层/中产/工人阶级 countable School, University (group of students) 班级 bānjí ; (lesson) in class 在课堂上 countable US School, University (year group) 同届毕业生 tóngjiè bìyèshēng the class of 72 72届毕业生 uncountable informal (elegance) 优雅 yōuyǎ to add a touch of class to sth 给某事物增添几分雅致 countable Transport 等级 děngjí to travel first/second class 乘头等舱/二等舱旅行 countable British University (of degree) 学位等级 xuéwèi děngjí a first-/second-class degree 一级/二级优等学位 countable Biology gāng B. transitive verb 将…归类 jiāng… guīlèi person, specimen, bookto class sth/sb as/among/with sth; 将某事物/某人归入某类别 C. adjective informal (excellent) 出类拔萃的 chū lèi bá cuì de athlete, horseshe's a real class act 她真是魅力非凡




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