

词汇 difficult
difficult | BrE ˈdɪfɪk(ə)lt, AmE ˈdɪfəkəlt | adjective (not easy) 困难的 kùnnan de to be difficult to do sth; 做某事难 to be difficult for sb; 对某人来说难 to find it difficult to do sth; 感到做某事难 to prove difficult; 证明是困难的 what is so difficult about it? 这事有什么难处? the difficult thing is to … 困难的是… the job turned out to be too difficult for him 结果证明这工作对他来说太难了 (complex, inaccessible) 难懂的 nán dǒng de work, conceptdifficult authors like Dickens 像狄更斯这样作品深奥的作家 (awkward) 难取悦的 nán qǔyuè de person, personalityto be difficult about doing sth; 在做某事上找茬 it's a difficult area 这是个棘手的领域 (bad, tough) 艰难的 jiānnán de period, life, conditionto be difficult for sb; 对某人来说很艰难 to make life difficult for sb 使某人的日子不好过 to be difficult to live with 难以忍受 to be in a difficult position 处境艰难




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