

词汇 difficulty
difficulty | BrE ˈdɪfɪk(ə)lti, AmE ˈdɪfəkəlti | noun uncountable (of task, activity) 困难 kùnnan the difficulty of doing sth; 做某事的难处 to have difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事有困难 to have difficulty with sth; 在某事上有问题 to have difficulty with one's eyesight 视力有问题 to be under some difficulty 在困难的条件下 uncountable (complexity) 难度 nándù the level of difficulty of sth 某事的难办程度 uncountable and countable (trouble) 麻烦 máfan ; (obstacle) 障碍 zhàng'ài in difficulty; 处于麻烦中 to create or make difficulties; 制造麻烦 to meet difficulties; 遇到麻烦 to run into difficulties 碰到难题 to have difficulties with sth; 在某事上碰到麻烦




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