

2 cuò A. verb literary inlay [with gold, silver, etc.]; plate [with gold, silver, etc.]错金, 错银 交错be interlocked and jagged 一团密集交错的电缆 a mess of cables 盘根错节, 犬牙交错 失去miss 错过机会 miss the opportunity 错车 避开stagger 把两个会的时间错一下 stagger the two meetings B. adjective 复杂complex 错乱, 错杂 不对wrong 猜/答错 guess/answer wrong 读错 mispronounce 念错 misread 认错人 mistake sb for sb else 走错路 take the wrong road 错怪, 错觉, 大错特错 bad 电影不错。 The film is not bad. 他们关系不错。 They are on good terms. C. noun mistake 犯错 make a mistake 没错 without a mistake 出错, 认错, 阴差阳错




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