

词汇 bare
bare | BrE bɛː, AmE bɛr | A. adjective (naked) 裸露的 luǒlù de body, bladeto walk with bare feet 赤脚走路 to sit in the sun with one's head bare 不戴帽坐在太阳底下 bare to the waist 赤膊的 with one's bare hands 赤手空拳地 (exposed) 无遮盖的 wúzhēgài de to strip sth down to the bare bones 去除某事物的枝节 bare walls 没有装饰的墙壁 he laid bare their evil plan 他揭露了他们的恶毒计划 to lay one's soul or heart bare 袒露心扉 (empty) 空的 kōng de cupboard, roomthe burglars stripped the house bare 窃贼将房子洗劫一空 (stark) 光秃秃的 guāngtūtū de mountain, treea barren landscape which was bare of almost every sign of life 几乎毫无生命迹象的不毛之地 (mere) 仅仅的 jǐnjǐn de a bare 3%/20 dollars 仅仅3%/区区20美元 to last a bare 30 seconds 持续了只不过30秒钟 (just sufficient) 刚够的 gāng gòu de the bare minimum 最低限度 the bare essentials or necessities 最低限度的必需品 (unembellished) 不加掩饰的 bù jiā yǎnshì de factsB. transitive verb 裸露 luǒlù part of body; 袒露 tǎnlù heart, soulto bare one's teeth 龇牙咧嘴 to bare one's head 脱帽致敬 to bare all 袒胸露体 to bare one's heart or soul to sb 向某人袒露心扉




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