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mén A. noun 指出入口door 关门 shut the door 锁门 lock a door 旋转/推拉门 revolving/sliding door 送货上门。 We deliver your order to your door. 防盗门, 太平门 指可开、关部分door 冰箱门 fridge door 柜门 cupboard door 炉门 stove door 球门 指开关switch 电门, 气门, 油门 指人体opening in the human body 贲门, 肛门, 幽门 家族family 赵门李氏 Mrs Zhao, née Li 门风, 寒门, 满门 指思想派别school ; 指宗教派系sect 佛门弟子 Buddhist follower 会道门 指师门a teacher’s or master’s entrance hall 同门弟子 pupils of the same master 门生, 门徒 指分类category 分门别类, 五花八门 Biology phylum 脊椎动物门 Vertebrata 软体动物门 mollusc phylum 窍门knack 我对计算机总算摸着点门了。 I finally gained an understanding of how computers work. 门路, 窍门B. measure word 指学科[for subjects of study or branches of science]两门技术 two skills 一门必修课 a compulsory course 指亲戚、婚事[for a marriage or for relatives]一门亲事 a marriage 一门亲戚 a set of relatives 指火炮[for artillery]一门大炮 a cannon 指话机[for telephone]万门程控电话交换机 ten thousand-line programme-controlled telephone switchboard




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