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wèn A. verb 提问ask 问老师问题 ask the teacher a question 问他明天有没有空。 Ask if he is free tomorrow. 有问题随时问。 Feel free to ask if you have any questions. 答非所问, 询问 问候enquire after 他信里问起你。 He asked after you in his letter. 审讯interrogate 问明底细 get to the bottom of a matter 盘问, 审问, 质问 追究hold responsible 出了事惟你是问。 You’ll be held responsible if anything goes wrong. 问罪 care 亲自过问 take up a matter personally 这件事你不必过问了。 You needn’t bother about this. 不闻不问B. preposition 引导动作对象[indicating the object of an action] to ; 引出间接宾语[usu followed by an indirect object] from 问老师要答案 ask the teacher for the answer 问她借点钱 go and borrow some money from her 望、闻、问、切




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