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词汇 问题
问题 wèntí noun 指题目question 回答问题 answer a question 提问题 raise a question 经常问到的问题 frequently asked question (FAQ) 指待解决的矛盾、疑难problem 解决问题 solve a problem 能源问题 energy question 体制、机制方面的问题 systemic and mechanical problems 麻烦trouble 她的汽车出了问题。 She’s got a problem with her car. 扬声器有问题。 There is something wrong with the loudspeaker. 关键crucial point 问题在于你是否重视这次会议。 The question is whether you’ve attached enough importance to the meeting. 这种牌子的车的确好,问题是大多数人买不起。 This make of car is really good. The problem is that it’s beyond the reach of most people. 重要之点point 我今天谈四个问题。 I’d like to make four points today.




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