

suí A. verb 跟着follow 紧随其后 follow on the heels of sb/sth 随从, 随后, 尾随 依从comply with 不管你说什么,我都随你。 I’m happy with whatever you say. 随顺, 客随主便, 入乡随俗 任凭let sb do as he likes 随你说什么,我都要去。 Whatever you say, I will go. 干不干随你。 It’s up to you to decide whether to do it or not. 随便, 随意 informal look like 她长得随她爸。 She takes after her father. B. preposition 依赖with 随风飘扬 fly with the wind 随机应变, 随声附和 顺便along with 随手关门。 Close the door after you. C. adverb 雪随下随化。 The snow melts as it falls.




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