

词汇 随便
随便 suíbiàn A. verb do as one pleases 随你的便。 Do as you like, please. 卖还是不卖,随你的便。 Sell or don’t sell, whatever you think is best. B. adjective casual 随便说几句 make a random comment 不随便发表意见 not offer opinions casually 随便一些,这不是正式场合。 Relax a bit. This isn’t a formal occasion. 说话不要随随便便。 Be careful what you say. 他穿得很随便。 He was casually dressed. C. conjunction no matter 随便别人在背后说什么,他都不在乎。 He doesn’t care at all what others say behind his back. 随便多远,我去定了。 I don’t care how far it is. I’ll have to go.




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