词汇 | grow |
释义 | grow | BrE ɡrəʊ, AmE ɡroʊ | A. intransitive verb past tense grew past participle grown ① (increase in size naturally) 生长 ▸ her hair had grown very long 她的头发长得很长了 ▸ to grow X inches/centimetres 长X英寸/厘米 ▸ to grow (to) more than 20 feet long or to a length of more than 20 feet 长到20多英尺长 ▸ to let one's hair/nails grow 蓄发/留指甲 ▸ to grow from sth; 从…生长起来 ‹seed, bulb, acorn›② (increase in measurable way) «business, money, profits» 增长 ; «membership, family» 增多 ▸ the queue is growing 队列越排越长了 ③ figurative (increase, develop) «pressure, ability, confidence» 增强 ; «friendship, love» 加深 ; «anger, fear, crisis» 加剧 ▸ she continues to grow as an artist 身为艺术家,她在不断成长 ▸ as I listened, my anger grew 我越听越生气 ▸ to grow in strength/authority/importance/confidence; 在力量/权力/重要性/自信心方面得以增强 ▸ she has grown in beauty/popularity 她比以前更美丽/更受欢迎了 ④ (become) 渐渐变成 ▸ to grow old 渐渐变老 ▸ to grow dark/light 慢慢暗下来/亮起来 ▸ the weather is growing hot 天越来越热 ▸ to grow impatient 越来越不耐烦 ▸ to grow used to sth/doing sth 逐渐适应某事/做某事 ▸ to grow like sb 变得像某人 ⑤ (reach stage) 开始 ▸ to grow to like sb 开始喜欢某人 ▸ to grow to expect sth of sb 开始对某人的某事习以为常 B. transitive verb past tense grew past participle grown ① (allow to grow) 使…生长 ‹part of body, cells›▸ to grow one's hair/a beard 蓄发/蓄须 ▸ to grow one's nails long 留长指甲 ▸ the lizard grew a new tail 蜥蜴长出了一条新尾巴 ② (cause to grow) 种植 ‹fruit, vegetables, crop›▸ to grow flowers from cuttings/seed 用插条/种子培育这些花 ③ Business 拓展 ‹business, market›; 提高 ‹sales, production›PHRASAL VERBS grow apart intransitive verb 变得疏远 ▸ to grow apart from sb; 疏远某人 grow away intransitive verb 变得疏远 ▸ to grow away from sb; 逐渐疏远某人 ▸ they had grown away from each other 他们之间逐渐疏远了 grow from transitive verb [grow from sth] ① (arise out of) 源于 ‹activity, condition, earlier stage or form›▸ her scepticism grew from her early experiences 她怀疑的态度源于年少时的经历 ② (change from) «person» 由…成长而来 ; «place, business» 由…演变而来 ▸ the city grew from a small village 这座城市是由一座小村庄发展起来的 ③ (increase from) «number, amount, deficit» 增长 ; «population, crime» 增多 ; Business «sales, profits» 上涨 ▸ to grow from sth to sth; 从…发展到某程度 ‹figure, level›▸ the school grew from 400 to 900 pupils 在校学生人数从400名上升到900名 grow in intransitive verb «nail» 向内生长 grow into transitive verb [grow into sth] ① (become) 进入 ‹adult›▸ grow into sth larger/older 长得更大/更老 ▸ grow into sb/sth different 变成不同的人/东西 ② (fit into) 长得适合于穿着 ‹garment, shoes›▸ the coat's too big for him now, but he'll grow into it 这件外套他现在穿太大,但他长高后可以穿 ③ figurative (become accustomed to) 适应 ‹role, job›; 养成 ‹habit›④ (become embedded) «bone, nail» 长进…里 ‹skin, flesh›grow on transitive verb [grow on sb] ① (become ingrained in) «habit, characteristic» 深深影响 ‹person›② (become more appealing to) 越来越受…的喜爱 ‹person›▸ the music was starting to grow on me 我越来越喜欢听这种音乐了 grow out A. intransitive verb «perm, colour, curls» 长长后被剪掉 B. transitive verb [grow sth out, grow out sth] 等…长长后剪掉 ‹perm, colour, curls›grow out of transitive verb [grow out of sth] ① (no longer fit into) 长得穿不下 ‹garment, shoes›② (become too mature for) 随成熟而放弃 ‹practice, activity, liking›▸ most children grow out of tantrums by the time they're three 多数孩子到三岁就不会乱发脾气了 ▸ to grow out of the habit of doing sth 随成熟而放弃做某事的习惯 ③ (develop from) 源于 ‹experience, activity, earlier stage or form›grow together intransitive verb ① (become more intimate) 变得更亲近 ② (join) «branches, bones, plants» 长到一起 ▸ a tangle of bushes which had grown together 一团纠缠蓬乱的灌木 grow up intransitive verb ① (become adult) 长大 ▸ to grow up into sth; 长大成人 ▸ he grew up into a handsome young man 他长成了英俊的小伙子 ▸ to grow up to do sth; 长大做某事 ▸ he grew up to play in the World Cup 他长大后参加了世界杯 ② (spend childhood) 度过童年 ▸ to grow up in London/believing that … 儿时在伦敦度过/儿时就相信… ③ (act more sensibly) 变得成熟 ▸ oh, grow up! 哎,成熟点好不好! ④ (develop) «city, business, movement» 逐渐发展 ; «idea, friendship, custom, feeling» 形成 |
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