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1 miàn A. noun face 面带喜色 have a happy look on one’s face 汗流满面 perspiration all over one’s face 面孔, 见面 表面surface 大理石面桌子 marble-topped table 湖面 surface of a lake 前部front 店面 shop front 门面 外侧outside 背面, 封面, 鞋面 Mathematics surface 点、线、面 points, lines and surfaces 方面side 硬币的正反面 obverse and reverse sides of a coin 面面俱到, 片面, 正面 范围extent 知识面宽 have a wide range of knowledge B. verb 朝着face 背山面水 fronting a river and backing onto a hill 寺庙坐北面南。 The temple faces the south. 见面meet 面世, 谋面C. adverb personally 面交(某人) present personally (to sb) 面试, 面谈D. suffix [used to form a noun of locality]前面, 上面, 右面E. measure word 指扁平物[used for flags, mirrors, etc.]两面国旗/镜子 two national flags/mirrors 一面鼓 a drum 指次数[used for times to meet sb]见过两面 have met sb twice




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