

词汇 increase
increase A. intransitive verb | BrE ɪnˈkriːs, AmE ɪnˈkris | (become larger) 增加 zēngjiā the population has increased from 70,000 to 90,000 人口已经从7万增长到了9万 the value of the house has increased by 25% 房子增值了25% to increase in speed 加速 petrol has increased in price 汽油价格上涨了 (become more intense) 增强 zēngqiáng her anger increased 她怒气更大了 the pain is increasing (in intensity) 越来越疼了 the rain increased 雨下大了 the darkness increased 天越来越黑了 (in knitting) 放针 fàngzhēn B. transitive verb | BrE ɪnˈkriːs, AmE ɪnˈkris | (make greater) 增加 zēngjiā to increase the value of a property 使某房产升值 giving up smoking may increase life expectancy by 10 years 戒烟可以使预期寿命延长10年 she increased her speed from 60 to 70 mph 她把速度从每小时60英里提高到70英里 (intensify) 增强 zēngqiáng to increase volume 调高音量 the news increased our anxiety 这一消息使我们更加焦虑 (in knitting) fàng to increase one stitch 放一针 C. noun | BrE ˈɪŋkriːs, AmE ˈɪnkris | (in amount) 增加 zēngjiā a price/pay increase 涨价/加薪 a massive increase in unemployment 失业人数的大幅增长 a 5% increase, an increase of 5% 5%的增长 (to be) on the increase 正在增加 the problem of illiteracy is on the increase 文盲问题越来越严重 (in intensity) 增强 zēngqiáng a further increase in effort is needed 需要更加努力 an increase in support for sb/sth 对某人/某事物更多的支持 (to be) on the increase 正在增强




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