

词汇 clean
clean | BrE kliːn, AmE klin | A. adjective (not dirty) 干净的 gānjìng de clean air 清洁的空气 a clean wound 未感染的伤口 to lick one's plate clean literal 把盘子舔干净 figurative 吃光盘中的食物 chīguāng pán zhòng de shíwù my hands are clean literal 我的手很干净 figurative 我是清白的 wǒ shì qīngbái de (attentive to hygiene) 爱干净的 ài gānjìng de it's not very clean to drink out of somebody else's glass 用别人的杯子喝不太卫生 Ecology 无污染的 wúwūrǎn de energya clean fuel 清洁燃料 (not marked) 空白的 kòngbái de sheet of paper, blackboard (not obscene) 不下流的 bù xiàliú de joke, comedian, actthe evening was all good clean fun 这台晚会文明有趣 (unsullied) 清白的 qīngbái de a clean driving licence 无违章记录的驾照 I've checked him out: he's clean informal 我已经查过他了,他没有前科 slang (without illicit property) 没有违禁品的 méiyǒu wéijìnpǐn de I've searched him, and he's clean 我搜了他的身,他没有携带违禁品 slang (no longer addicted) 不再吸毒的 bù zài xīdú de Sport (following rules) 守规则的 shǒu guīzé de a clean tackle 正当的阻截 (done smoothly and skilfully) 干净利落的 gānjìng lìluo de hit, blow, movement (with smooth edge) 边缘平整的 biānyuán píngzhěng de cut, fracturea clean break Medicine 整齐的骨折 figurative 彻底的决裂 chèdǐ de juéliè (elegant, neat) 流畅匀称的 liúchàng yúnchèn de curves, shape, profilethe car's clean lines 那辆车流畅的线条 B. noun 清扫 qīngsǎo to give sth a clean; 清扫某物 to give the room a clean 打扫房间 C. adverb 完全地 wánquán de to come clean (with sb) (about sth) (向某人)和盘托出(某事) I've got to come clean with you: I was the one who told him 我得跟你说实话:是我告诉他的 the thief got clean away informal 小偷跑得没影了 I'd clean forgotten about her birthday informal 我把她的生日忘得一干二净 D. transitive verb (remove dirt from) 把…弄干净 bǎ… nòng gānjìng to clean the room 打扫房间 to clean the blackboard 擦黑板 to clean oneself 把身体洗干净 bǎ shēntǐ xǐ gānjìng she cleaned the dirt from her fingernails 她除掉了指甲里的污垢 to have a suit (dry-)cleaned 把西服拿去(干)洗 Cooking «cook» 清除…的内脏 qīngchú… de nèizàng chicken, fishE. intransitive verb (do housework) 打扫 dǎsǎo (become clean) 变干净 biàn gānjìng these brass handles don't clean very easily 这些黄铜把手不容易弄干净 PHRASAL VERBS clean down: transitive verb [clean sth down, clean down sth] 把…清扫干净 bǎ… qīngsǎo gānjìng to clean down the walls 把墙壁擦洗干净 clean off A. transitive verb [clean sth off, clean off sth] 清除 qīngchú writing, marks, graffitiI've got to clean the mud off the car 我得把车上的泥擦掉 B. intransitive verb «stain» 被除掉 bèi chúdiào this mark won't clean off 这块污渍擦不掉 clean out: transitive verb [clean sth out, clean out sth] (cleanse thoroughly) 把…的内部清扫干净 bǎ… de nèibù qīngsǎo gānjìng oven, toiletyou need to clean out your ears! 你该掏一下耳朵了! [clean sb out, clean out sb] informal (leave penniless) 把…的钱花光 bǎ… de qián huā guāng personthe new car's cleaned me out of all my savings 这辆新车花光了我的全部积蓄 [clean sb/sth out, clean out sb/sth] informal (rob) «thief, swindler» 把…洗劫一空 bǎ… xǐjié yī kōng person, housethe burglars cleaned her out of all her jewellery 窃贼把她的珠宝洗劫一空 clean up A. [clean sth up, clean up sth] transitive verb (get rid of) 清除 qīngchú mess, remainsto clean the rubbish up off or from the floor 把地板上的垃圾清走 (remove crime, corruption from) 清理整顿 qīnglǐ zhěngdùn city, streets, local governmentinformal (make less obscene, violent) 使…变得纯洁 shǐ… biàn de chúnjié TV, programmeto clean up one's act literal «comedian» 使表演文雅 figurative «person» 洁身自好 jié shēn zì hào B. [clean sb/sth up, clean up sb/sth] transitive verb (remove dirt from) 把…弄干净 bǎ… nòng gānjìng to clean up the kitchen 把厨房打扫干净 to clean oneself up 把身体洗干净 bǎ shēntǐ xǐ gānjìng C. intransitive verb (remove dirt) 打扫干净 dǎsǎo gānjìng (tidy up) 整理 zhěnglǐ to clean up after sb; 跟在某人后面收拾 (wash oneself) 把身体洗干净 bǎ shēntǐ xǐ gānjìng informal (make profit) «entrepreneur, gambler, film» 赚大钱 zhuàn dàqián to clean up on sth; 因…赚大钱 deal, sale




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